Commercial Landlord Insurance
Commercial landlord insurance is a policy which covers landlords who are leasing their property to commercial entities for use as business premises. This may include properties which act as offices, storage units, warehouses, studios, shops, restaurants or other business interests.
Why take Commercial Landlord Insurance from us?
Our commercial property insurance policy is specifically designed for the commercial landlord, whether for a single premises or for a mixed portfolio of commercial and residential properties. We can compare landlord insurance across hundreds of brokers.
If our online products do not suit your need or you require a more bespoke quote call our experts on 01204 39 25 25 and we can tailor a policy to your needs.
What is included in your Commercial Landlord Insurance?
Cover features Include:-
- All Risks including Subsidence and Accidental Damage
- Property Owners Liability
- Loss of Rent
- Employers Liability
- Wide cover up to £10,000,000 any one location
- Shop & Offices, including taxi offices, travel agents, and estate agents
- Shop with flats above
- Listed Properties can be covered
- Hairdressers and beauticians
- Restaurants, including cafés and high risk eateries, such as fast food takeaways
- Dental surgeries
- Car accessory stores
- Furniture stores
- Garden centres
- Leisure
- Office Buildings
- Residential Properties and Blocks of Flats
- Retail Premises (including Restaurants, Public Houses and Takeaways)
- Shopping Centres
- Warehouses, Manufacturing & Industrial Units (including high hazard)
- We can also consider DSS, Student Let and Vacant properties as part of a portfolio
- Loss of rent